Upcoming Events

Location When Summary Description
  2025-03-12 at 19:00 – 21:00 Open Mike Night and Coffee House, North Delta Recreation Centre, Delta, BC hosted by Crossroads United Church
7655 120 Street, Delta, BC 2025-03-16 at 10:30 – 11:30 Morning worship, Crossroads United Church, North Delta, BC www.crossroads-united-church.ca
7655 120 Street, Delta, BC 2025-03-23 at 10:30 – 11:30 Morning worship, Crossroads United Church, North Delta, BC www.crossroads-united-church.ca
7655 120 Street, Delta, BC 2025-03-30 at 10:30 – 11:30 Morning worship, Crossroads United Church, North Delta, BC www.crossroads-united-church.ca
Crossroads United Church, 120 Street, Delta, BC, Canada 2025-04-02 at 19:30 – 20:30 Chanting and Meditation around the Labyrinth, Crossroads UC, Delta, BC A gentle, Christian practice with an ancient history, a time for contemplation and prayer with an opportunity to walk the Maltese labyrinth (optional), accompanied by live flute, guitar and drum. Come early if you wish and enjoy a hot cup of tea.
  2025-04-02 at 19:30 – 20:30 Contemplative Prayer, Song and Labyrinth, Crossroads UC, Delta, BC