To a people yet unborn – May 6

“To a people yet unborn, we will sing of the way that you care for us; we will sing of your greatness, O God!”

I continue to be struck by the power of these words from Psalm 22, echoing through the generations. And as we sing them again on May 6, we continue to pass it forward. Sing along, and share it with those present and still to come in your community!

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Shepherding Sunday – April 29

The Good Shepherd,
The Good Shepherd,

Still looking for music for Shepherding or Good Shepherd Sunday, April 29? Here are a couple of our favourites from our catalogue for you to download and enjoy with your choir and congregation:

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Summer Tour 2012

We’re hitting the road this July and August, heading out to Winnipeg and back, for a whirlwind series of events:

  • co-leading a hymn festival with our good buddy, Lloyd MacLean, for the annual conference of the Hymn Society in the United States and Canada at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Manitoba, July 15-19
  • helping to plan and lead a regional Worship Matters event in Brandon, Manitoba, July 20-22. We’re focusing on worship music leadership, repertoire, and of course having a good time!
  • we’ll wind our way back across western Canada, offering drumming workshops and concerts enroute. If you’d like to host us let us know!
  • We’ll be at Naramata Centre leading a programme, “Going Global: Singing and Drumming With Spirit,” July 29-August 4.

And then we’ll make our way quickly home. Whew! Hope to see you along the way…

Sounds of the Soul – Interfaith Chanting – June 9

In partnership with the Multifaith Action Society, we’re organizing an inspiring evening of sacred chant, with ten faith traditions represented. June 9, 6:30pm, at Crossroads United Church, North Delta, BC. What better way to promote understanding and enthusiasm for the richness and diversity of faith than to taste each other’s songs, supported by a fabulous team of instrumentalists? Join us! Reception to follow.