God’s door is open: Who are we to stand in the way? April 23-29 I’m in Charlotte, North Carolina, for the 13th Annual National Multicultural Conference for The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), leading music for worship and plenary times, and co-leading the workshop stream on multicultural worship and music. Many months of planning have gone into this event, and the leadership team is amazing! Looking for a spring getaway and for fresh ideas on how to be church together? Join us in Charlotte!
Holy Week 2012

Once again we find ourselves journeying through Holy Week! Our website has been down for maintenance over the past days, so apologies for getting materials posted so late. If you are still planning worship for the Triduum, here are some songs, yours to use as you see fit in your worship community:
Maundy Thursday (April 5)
A New Commandment, from our album and songbook, Embracing Change
Good Friday (April 6)
- Why Do You Strike Me?
- Would We Also Deny You
- My Kingdom is Not From This World
- Hail, King of the Jews
- Woman, Here is Your Son
- I Am Thirsty
- It is Finished
Easter Sunday (April 8)
- This is the Day, from our album and songbook, This is the Day
- Who Will Roll Away the Stone
Fifth Sunday in Lent – March 25
Psalm 51 has been a musical source of inspiration to me for many years, apparently – I have at least five settings of various phrases from this text! Sunday morning we again share together in the opening section of the psalm, so here are three shorter songs for you to enjoy on your own or with your community:
- You Desire Truth/Teach Me Wisdom (pdf 1, pdf 2, bulletin graphic 1, bulletin graphic 2, mp3) – two interlocking rounds which can be sung separately or simultaneously, from our album, Like a Healing Stream
- Create in Me (pdf, bulletin graphic, mp3) – a simple round with descant, from our album, Embracing Change
Fourth Sunday in Lent – March 18
Here’s a thankful refrain for Psalm 107, the psalm for Lent 4:
- Give Thanks to God (pdf, midi and bulletin graphic)