Eighth Sunday after The Epiphany, Year A

“My soul rests in stillness and quiet.” I’m still not sure if this is a statement or a prayer that it be so (the fact I’m wondering suggests the latter!), but these words from Psalm 131 echo through the ages. We have two songs for you to download and share this week:

  • Psalm 131:2a: “My Soul Rests” (pdf and bulletin graphic) – a simple refrain for the psalm or a meditative chant for centering and prayer.
  • Matthew 6:33: “Seek First” (pdf) – a rousing, counter-cultural call to focus on that which is truly important in life.

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Two songs for the Sixth Sunday after The Epiphany, Year A

Two songs this week for you to share and enjoy on your own and with your community – a refrain for Psalm 119, and a rhythmic chant from our album, Like a Healing Stream:

  • Psalm 119:40: “How I long for your Ways” (pdf and bulletin graphic) – a great new refrain, with good positive energy and a sense of longing.
  • 1 Corinthians 3:16: “Make me your temple (pdfbulletin graphic and mp3) – a song for healing, reflection, and to channel the presence of Spirit in your life. Enjoy the mp3, and chant along!

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Spirit as Mindfulness: A Learning Fair of Mindfulness Practices – February 16

Yearning for en”chant”ment? Join us for free session on Christian chanting practices on February 16 at the Vancouver School of Theology!

In a distracted world, mindfulness has becomes a desirable religious expression in the West. While persons in the West have increasingly found such important insights in Buddhist and yogic practice, the Christian path too has diverse practices that promote mindfulness. If most familiar today as practices of breath that integrate body and spirit, Christianity historically has attempted to develop practices that include multiple sensory and postural attentiveness–everything from meditating with icons to centering prayer to the ascetic arts (e.g., fasting) to Quaker sitting and Mennonite simplicity. This pre-Lenten learning fair—open to the public—invites person to acquaint or re-acquaint themselves with practices which not only restore us to the passionate equanimity of the Spirit, but re-mind us of our ethical responsibilities to our neighbors, to creation.

[Persons are invited to participate in VST’s community worship at 12 noon in Epiphany chapel, followed by a free lunch hosted by the principal in the Iona 3rd floor lounge.]

Full details are available on the VST website. Come one, come all!

Aha! (Epiphany)

The Adoration of the Magi
The Adoration of the Magi, Unknown Ottonian, Regensburg, about 1030 – 1040

Epiphany blessings, everyone! And to our Orthodox sisters and brothers, Merry Christmas! Here’s a rhythmic chant for the day and for throughout the season of Epiphany, a simple song in many parts with an ancient Latin text celebrating Jesus:


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