Songs for July 31 and August 7

We’re just back from a fabulous week of djembe drumming with enthusiastic players at Naramata Centre. You could hear us from miles around! Such fun.

We’ll be laying low in the coming two weeks, enjoying some holiday time at home, so here are some songs for the coming two Sundays, just in case you’re still looking for inspiration:

  • July 31:
    • Psalm 17: “When I awake and see your face” (pdf and bulletin graphic)
    • Matthew 14:13-21: “Loaves and Fish” (pdf)
  • August 7:
    • Psalm 85: “Show us your steadfast love” (pdf and bulletin graphic) – the alternate psalm

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Wonderfully made! – July 17

a bird over the water
da Cava dell’isola

We’re in the midst of busy times these days: leading music and worship for the Summer Ecumenical Institute in Saskatoon last week, Vacation Bible School this week with Crossroads and Bethany Newton United Churches, then off to Naramata Centre on Sunday for a week of drumming! Whew!

And in the midst of it all, Psalm 139 comes around in the lectionary again, a wonderful reminder of how blessed and loved we are. Here are a couple of songs to help you sing Psalm 139 this week:

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Come to me, all you weary – July 3

After living the cycle of scripture for a number of years, certain texts become intricately linked with memories. One such text appears again in the gospel lesson for this Sunday: Matthew 11:28-29. I wrote “Come to Me” based on this text after Cheryl’s Dad, Milt, died in 1994, but only recently created a piano/vocal score for the song. So here it is for you to sing on your own or in community, along with an mp3 recording from our first album, Reason for Being.

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Trinity Sunday – June 19

The Trinity
The Trinity

Trinity Sunday is one of those Sundays that make many clergy cringe: how do you explain the nature of the Trinity without putting everyone to sleep with arcane theological concepts? So (hopefully) rather than making you yawn Smile, how about we simply offer you some songs for the scriptures of the day? Let’s sing!

  • Genesis 1:1-2:4a
    • “Let There Be Light” (pdfbulletin graphic and midi) – a simple round or chant
    • “In the Beginning” (pdf and midi) – a call-and-response song celebrating the act of creation, written for intergenerational worship
  • Psalm 8: “O God, Our God, How Glorious” (pdfbulletin graphic and mp3) – a psalm refrain or lively song of praise

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