Cheryl’s mom, Helen, died on March 3, after a slow and steady decline over the past few years, hastened in the end by a ten-month battle with oral cancer. She lived a long and full life, one filled with much love and happiness, good food and friends, and we miss her dearly, just as we still miss Cheryl’s dad, Milt, who died in 1994. And so for us, Lent started a bit early this year, and the Lenten journey has been filled with sadness and busyness as we clear out mom’s apartment and prepare for a celebration of her life this Saturday, March 26.
Yesterday as I was preparing for this week’s community worship at VST, a new setting of the ancient prayer of the church, Kyrie Eleison, sung itself into my heart, so I quickly notated it and we introduced it to the VST choir. We’ll sing it tomorrow in worship, and we offer it to you to accompany your Lenten journey:
May you be filled with peace during this poignant season, as we wait in hope for the resurrection to come. And please keep us in your prayers as we walk this journey of life and death and life beyond death.