Welcome to Evensong – a website from the west coast of Canada dedicated to fresh, Spirit-filled music for the liberal Christian church, all of it free for downloading and sharing in your community. Our music is registered with www.ccli.com and www.onelicense.net, so if you have a copyright license, please record all use. Thank you!
We have over 300 songs currently in our catalogue, with many more yet to upload and new songs being written all the time. Overall, we have at least one song (and often multiple songs) available for every Sunday in the three-year cycle of the Revised Common Lectionary, and also for many of the festivals.
Our music is largely scriptural in language and theme, coming out of the readings for the day, and includes many psalm refrains and shorter chants, as well as hymns, songs and anthems, all of it keyed to the lectionary readings for the week. You can also search for music using the scripture index, or search for themes by entering a term such as “lament” or “joy” in the Keywords search box. If you’ve heard a song of ours and just want to find it, try searching for a word or phrase in the Lyrics search box. And if you still can’t find what you’re looking for, contact us!
For those of you who use social networking, you can get all our website, music and event updates through Twitter and Facebook.