Sing a New Song! – September 4

Do you know the 11th Commandment (to borrow a phrase from John Bell)? You know, the one that was so important it is repeated nine times throughout the two testaments, rather than just twice like the other ten commandments?

“Sing a new song!” (Psalms 33:3, 40:3, 96:1, 98:1, 144:9, 149:1; Isaiah 42:10; Revelation 5:9, 14:3)

And yet we are creatures of habit, aren’t we? It is human nature to seek comfort in the familiar, but we are called to be vulnerable, to risk, to always be open to the unfamiliar. And sometimes we need to hear it nine times (or more!) before it sinks in!

Here are two songs for the scriptures this week:

  • Psalm 149: “We will sing to our God a new song” (pdf and bulletin graphic) – a simple refrain in three parts, suitable for choir or congregation (whoever needs it most!)
  • Matthew 18:20: “Where two or three are gathered” (pdfbulletin graphic and mp3) – a simple round, from our album Like a Healing Stream.

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Songs for August 21

Two songs from our archives for the scriptures this week:

  • Psalm 124: “Our help is in the name of our God” (pdfbulletin graphic, and midi) – a shorter song or psalm refrain written for worship at Berwick Camp in Nova Scotia.
  • Matthew 16:13-20: “Who do you say I am?” (pdf and midi) – a shorter song or praise chorus written for worship at Royal Heights United Church in Delta, BC, one of the parent congregations of our current church home, Crossroads United Church.

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Songs for July 31 and August 7

We’re just back from a fabulous week of djembe drumming with enthusiastic players at Naramata Centre. You could hear us from miles around! Such fun.

We’ll be laying low in the coming two weeks, enjoying some holiday time at home, so here are some songs for the coming two Sundays, just in case you’re still looking for inspiration:

  • July 31:
    • Psalm 17: “When I awake and see your face” (pdf and bulletin graphic)
    • Matthew 14:13-21: “Loaves and Fish” (pdf)
  • August 7:
    • Psalm 85: “Show us your steadfast love” (pdf and bulletin graphic) – the alternate psalm

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Wonderfully made! – July 17

a bird over the water
da Cava dell’isola

We’re in the midst of busy times these days: leading music and worship for the Summer Ecumenical Institute in Saskatoon last week, Vacation Bible School this week with Crossroads and Bethany Newton United Churches, then off to Naramata Centre on Sunday for a week of drumming! Whew!

And in the midst of it all, Psalm 139 comes around in the lectionary again, a wonderful reminder of how blessed and loved we are. Here are a couple of songs to help you sing Psalm 139 this week:

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