Come join the Going Global pick-up choir!

Live in SW BC? Want to sing songs from around the world with a big choir and great musicians, April 10/11? Join us!

Going Global is going local, at Trinity Memorial United Church, Abbotsford, BC on April 10 and at Knox United Church, Parksville, BC on April 11. There is still a bit of room in the choir for both events if you’d like to come out for one or the other or both concerts. Rehearsals are:

  • Trinity Memorial UC, Abbotsford, BC, April 9, 7pm
  • Knox UC, Parksville, Sunday, April 11, 3pm

These will be great evenings of songs from around the world, with an all-star musical cast:

  • Rob Copeman-Haynes, double bass
  • Kocassalé Dioubaté, djembe and percussion
  • Bruce Harding, song leadership, flute, djembe and guitar
  • Leonard Eagle Cloud Howell, voice, native flute, and guitar
  • Amarjeet Singh Vabhana, tabla
  • a mass choir (that’s you!) and additional music friends in the host communities

Please join us if you can! Further details are on our events page.

Going Global expands!

Our Going Global concert in Victoria last month was a huge success, and now the movement is spreading, with further dates at Trinity Memorial United Church in Abbotsford, BC on April 10 and at Knox United Church in Parksville, BC on April 11. Join us! Featuring:

  • Rob Copeman-Haynes, double bass
  • Kocassalé Dioubaté, djembe and percussion
  • Bruce Harding, song leadership, flute, djembe and guitar
  • Leonard Eagle Cloud Howell, voice, native flute, and guitar
  • Amarjeet Singh Vabhana, tabla
  • a mass choir and additional music friends in the host communities

These will be amazing evenings of spirit songs from around the world! Further details on our events page.

Going Global!

We’re gearing up for a big concert this weekend as a part of Epiphany Explorations in Victoria, BC, Canada. A seven-piece band plus choir and organ, sharing in a participatory evening of roots music and songs of the Spirit from around the world. More than anything, it’s an opportunity to make music with some of my favourite people: Rob Copeman-Haynes (double bass), Kocassalé Dioubaté (djembe and percussion), Linnea Good (piano), Leonard Eagle Cloud Howell (vocals, guitar, native flutes), David Jonsson (drums) and Amarjeet Singh Vabhana (tabla), plus Fran Pollet and the First-Metropolitan United Church Choir. If you’re in the Victoria area, please join us on Saturday, January 23! It should be an amazing evening of singing, rhythm and Spirit. Details on our events page.

New Beginnings

Hi Everyone. After our long summer tour (16,235km from coast to coast and back!), it feels good to be at home, and settling into our new routines, with Bruce serving as Epiphany Musician in Residence 2009-2010 at the Vancouver School of Theology, and as musician at the newly amalgamated Crossroads United Church in North Delta, BC. We also continue to serve as music leaders for the Pacific InterChristian Community in Vancouver. All of which means there are lots of opportunities to join us for singing and worship if you are in the Vancouver area. We practise an open-door policy with our choirs at VST and Crossroads, which means if you are in the area for a few days, feel free to drop in and sing with us! And for those who are further away, we have continuing occasional events across the country through the fall and winter months, and as always all our events are posted on our events page. Hope to see you and sing with you soon!

Farewell to Nova Scotia

I’ve just wrapped up music leadership with my good buddy, Lloyd MacLean, at Berwick Camp on Sunday, and Cheryl and I gave a concert last night (along with a number of our Berwick drummers) at Knox UC in Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia. And so today we turn towards our West Coast home, heading for New Brunswick for a couple of events, then on to Quebec and points west, arriving home at the end of August. Only about 8000 more kilometres to go! Further details are on our events page at Hope to see you when we’re passing through.

There are a couple of new videos available on YouTube if you wish to check them out: some clips from a djembe drum workshop last Fall for All Saints Lutheran Church in Kelowna, BC (thanks, Tyler!), plus a music video of our song “This is the Day” from the World Diakonia Assembly in Atlanta, Georgia, July, 2009. Enjoy!