A simple refrain for the alternate psalm for this Sunday:
- “Bless God, O my soul” (bulletin graphic, pdf and midi file)
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A simple refrain for the alternate psalm for this Sunday:
Do you know the 11th Commandment (to borrow a phrase from John Bell)? You know, the one that was so important it is repeated nine times throughout the two testaments, rather than just twice like the other ten commandments?
“Sing a new song!” (Psalms 33:3, 40:3, 96:1, 98:1, 144:9, 149:1; Isaiah 42:10; Revelation 5:9, 14:3)
And yet we are creatures of habit, aren’t we? It is human nature to seek comfort in the familiar, but we are called to be vulnerable, to risk, to always be open to the unfamiliar. And sometimes we need to hear it nine times (or more!) before it sinks in!
Here are two songs for the scriptures this week:
Two songs from our archives for the scriptures this week:
“How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity!” (Psalm 133:1, NRSV)
Need we say more? Why not sing it as well, and help these words sink into our bones:
We’re just back from a fabulous week of djembe drumming with enthusiastic players at Naramata Centre. You could hear us from miles around! Such fun.
We’ll be laying low in the coming two weeks, enjoying some holiday time at home, so here are some songs for the coming two Sundays, just in case you’re still looking for inspiration: