In case you’re still looking for repertoire for the Third Sunday of Easter, here’s a simple refrain for Psalm 116:
- I Will Lift Up the Cup of Salvation (bulletin graphic, pdf and midi)
The over-arching collection of all our blogs.
In case you’re still looking for repertoire for the Third Sunday of Easter, here’s a simple refrain for Psalm 116:
What is doubt? The opposite of belief? Beyond a doubt (sorry, couldn’t resist), there are no easy answers to that question! Here are some songs to help you grow in the faith this week, as we celebrate the Second Sunday of Easter:
Again this year we are offering free music downloads for Holy Week! PDF scores for those who are still planning worship for the Triduum, yours to use as you see fit in your worship community, all keyed to the lectionary readings for Year A:
Maundy Thursday:
A New Commandment, from our album and songbook, Embracing Change
Good Friday:
Easter Sunday:
For those of you who doing worship planning for Palm Sunday, here are a few songs you may find useful, free to download and free to use:
One of my favourite psalms of lament is Psalm 130, which appears in the lectionary texts this week. So why not sing it and embrace the ancient tradition of lament? Here are two versions of the opening words of the psalm, a simple round and a longer, more harmonically complex choral version.