Hi Everyone. After our long summer tour (16,235km from coast to coast and back!), it feels good to be at home, and settling into our new routines, with Bruce serving as Epiphany Musician in Residence 2009-2010 at the Vancouver School of Theology, and as musician at the newly amalgamated Crossroads United Church in North Delta, BC. We also continue to serve as music leaders for the Pacific InterChristian Community in Vancouver. All of which means there are lots of opportunities to join us for singing and worship if you are in the Vancouver area. We practise an open-door policy with our choirs at VST and Crossroads, which means if you are in the area for a few days, feel free to drop in and sing with us! And for those who are further away, we have continuing occasional events across the country through the fall and winter months, and as always all our events are posted on our events page. Hope to see you and sing with you soon!